Television actor and Bayhadh 2 fame Shivin Narang was rushed to the hospital on Sunday evening after he injured his left hand. The actor accidentally fell on a glass table at his residence and was left with injuries. But good news for all Shivin fans now. The actor is now back home after undergoing surgery.
Sharing a photo from the hospital bed, Shivin wrote, "All is well For all my frnds , family n loved ones I’m back home Thankuu fr all your prayers & blessings unfortunately met with an accident at home injuring myself badly due to which I had undergone a surgery. Thankuu to the doctors and healthcare staff of @kokilabenhospital for taking such good care of me in this difficult scenario..... I remember one of the hospital staff saying ‘Sir hum nhi karenge toh kaun karega ‘#respect #realheroes #grateful "
This is the second accident Shivin has met with in the past five months. On January 1, he was admitted to the same hospital after he suffered a hairline fracture, again on his left hand, on the sets of Bayhadh 2. The actor's building was sealed recently after a resident tested positive for COVID-19.