Ekta Kapoor has been an epitome of inspiration during the chaos that the lockdown caused due to the pandemic has reigned upon us. Not so long ago, the producer was seen on a live stream with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in a show called 'heart to heart' where she had a deeply insightful conversation with him.
What Ekta asked the Gurudev captivated all of the viewer's hearts. She told the Gurudev "I am a single mother. I have had a child, on my own. My son is 15 months old. I am bringing him up with the art of giving, which is the art of living. I will bring him to the ashram once the lockdown opens."
Adding further, the producer inquired "I want to ask you - I often ask this to myself - Have I stolen a chance from him of having a father? I had a single child because I felt I could give my child both parents' love. But I sometimes feel guilty. Is this guilt real or wrong?"
The Gurudev replied supporting Ekta, "Na, you don't need to. One of the greatest sage Satyakam did not have a father. Only his mother Jabala - single woman brought him up. And he became the greatest."
The Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar from the art of living page and Ekta Kapoor were seen live streaming from their respective social media handles to reach out to people and elevate the motivational levels of the audience and to implore an element of peace among the viewers during these chaotic and perilous times.
Ekta and the Gurudev truly shed their light of inspiration and hope on single moms who constantly worry about these things and ask themselves worrisome questions that bother them somewhere from within.