Karanvir Bohra has come forward to help Mumbai Police amid Coronavirus pandemic. The actor, known for his helpful nature and kindness, recently donated a 1000 shield masks to the frontline workers of Mumbai Police force who are tirelessly working to ensure the security of our county amid COVID1Q9 crisis.
He posted a few pictures where he is seen with Policemen wearing the shield mask and captioned the post as, “@rakeshagrawalrk and I Donated 1000 #faceshieldmask to sir #manjunathsinge and his soldiers. #dcpzone8 BKC We all know the amount of hardwork the #policeforce is doing to protect us, but today I saw and heard stories from sir, How, so many constables have suffered from this virus,but they all tell him, "as soon as we are discharged, we want to report to work." And so many have. Such passion of our soldiers makes me want to do more seva. I really couldn't have done this without your help @afrozshah_ Thank you for connecting me with @akhi1975 this couldn't have happened without your contribution of the masks. @gautamagrawal”
Not only this but KV is also doing his bit by helping the needy with food every day. He along with his family prepares 100 packets of food daily for the helpless.