Rahul Vaidya and Nia Sharma had teamed up for a fun Navratri dance number titled Garbe Ki Raat. The song released on October 8. While fans of Rahul and Nia loved Garbe Ki Raat, a section of people took offence to it as has a mention of Shri Mogal Maa, a deity who is revered in Gujarat. The lyrics hurt the sentiments of the devotees of the deity who threatened Rahul. The singer received death threats for Garbe Ki Raat.
Reacting to it, Rahul's team issued a statement. It was clarified that the singer's intention wasn't to hurt any religious sentiments. The statement read, "Yes, it is true these messages and calls have gone up in number since last night, the messages speak about having Rahul Vaidya killed, beaten and filing FIRs against him to have him arrested and so on. While we would like to maintain that the mention of the deity was done with respect and did not mean to hurt anyone’s sentiments."
Recommended Read: Rahul Vaidya teams up with Nia Sharma for his Navratri special song Garbe ki Raat
Now, after receiving threats, Rahul and the team of Garbe Ki Raat decided to modify the lyrics. "However, understanding the fact that the mention has not gone down too well with a certain section of people we respect that and are working to get it rectified at our level. We urge everyone who has taken offence to this to allow us a few days as the platform we have released the song on will take at least a few days to adjust the rectification. Rest assured we respect the emotions and sentiments of all those who have raised their concern and are diligently working towards rectifying it," said Rahul's team in the statement.
Rahul and Bhoomi Trivedi are the singers of Garbe Ki Raat. The former features in the song with Nia.