
I make mythology series to help today's generation understand its history: Siddharth Kumar Tewary

Siddharth Kumar Tewary, the creative mind behind some of India’s most monumental television productions, has had an incredible journey in the industry. Known for his groundbreaking work in mythological and historical narratives, Tewary has brought to life epic tales such as "Mahabharat," "Radha Krishna," and "Porus." In a candid conversation, Tewary shares his journey, challenges, and vision for the future of storytelling.

Siddharth, it’s truly commendable how much work you’ve done over the past two decades. Can you share how this journey has been for you?

It’s been a very interesting journey, starting very early and working continuously because this is my dream. I come from a non-industry background in Calcutta, with my father being a professor. Since childhood, I always wanted to tell stories, and here I am, living that dream. My journey has been filled with challenges and excitement, especially since I ventured into Indian history and mythology. Creating "Mahabharat" took five years of understanding the text deeply. It was a challenging yet rewarding experience, and I feel blessed to tell these significant stories for our youth and future generations.

Your productions, especially "Mahabharat" and "Ramayan," have resonated deeply with audiences. How did you come to focus on these mythological narratives?

come from a very religious family, and my upbringing was steeped in cultural and spiritual practices. My father was a devout man, and our house was filled with religious rituals. This background naturally drew me towards these stories. When I saw the potential in retelling these epic tales with a contemporary perspective, it excited me. It’s a creative challenge that requires deep study and understanding. These stories are vast and rich; I’ve been studying for over 15 years and feel I’ve only scratched the surface. Bringing these tales to life for today’s generation is not just a professional pursuit but a personal passion.

Engaging the younger generation with these ancient stories seems challenging. How do you make these tales relevant for today’s audience?

The key is to make these stories relevant to today’s context. Our youth are curious about their culture and heritage. They want to know about Krishna, Ramayana, and other historical figures. It’s about presenting these stories in a way that resonates with their current lives. My goal is to ensure that the cultural and moral values these stories embody are conveyed effectively. Every decade brings a new India, and it’s crucial to adapt these stories to the evolving mindset of our audience.

Your belief in these projects, despite challenges, is inspiring. Can you share a moment when your faith was tested?

During the making of "Mahabharat," there were times when I couldn’t pay salaries for months. People told me the project was jinxed, and I faced numerous setbacks. However, I kept believing in my vision. That belief kept me going. It’s essential to keep faith in your dreams and not let negative energy deter you. I always tell people, “Keep believing.” It’s the driving force behind overcoming challenges.

What are your plans for the future, especially with the advent of digital platforms and OTT?

We’re exploring various formats beyond traditional television. With platforms like YouTube, where we have close to 5 million subscribers, and investing in digital content, we’re expanding our reach. The aim is to keep these big stories relevant across different mediums, including digital, movies, music, and animation. We’re working on the concept of the “Bharat verse,” focusing on the Indian spiritual universe, which is not just religious but deeply spiritual. The goal is to make our rich history, art, and culture accessible and engaging for today’s global audience.

That’s fascinating, Siddharth. Lastly, could you tell us about the new chapter in "Shrimad Ramayan"?

Yes, "Shrimad Ramayan" is starting a new chapter, the Uttar Kand, from Monday, 12th August, with new episodes shifting from Sony TV to Sony SAB TV. The new episodes will air from Monday to Saturday at 7:30 pm. We are excited to continue this epic journey on Sony SAB TV.


