The Bombay High Court has given relief to actress Rupali Ganguly in a defamation case against her stepdaughter Isha Verma. The court has restrained the defendants and various social media platforms from publishing, hosting and sharing derogatory content against Rupali. It was alleged that Rupali Ganguly's husband has a daughter Isha Verma from his first marriage, and she continuously posted such posts on social media which damaged the reputation of the actress.
A single bench of the Bombay High Court reviewed the evidence presented in Rupali's petition. It included a collection of social media posts, interviews and articles containing derogatory statements. The bench found that this content is prime face defamatory. Isha Verma did not appear in court and present her side, although she was given notice.
The court banned the publication of any derogatory posts, videos or material against Rupali Ganguly. Rupali Ganguly's lawyer said that such a campaign not only harmed Rupali mentally and emotionally, but also affected her personal and professional life. This would be considered online harassment.
Rupali Ganguly had filed a petition against her stepdaughter Isha Verma, following which abusive and malicious campaigns were banned on social media platforms. If this is done in the future, action will be taken. Rupali Ganguly is Ashwin Verma's third wife, while Isha Verma is the daughter of Ashwin Verma's second wife. Isha Verma had accused Rupali Ganguly of interfering between her parents and trying to control her life. Apart from this, she alleged that Rupali harassed her mentally and emotionally.