On Monday, the nation woke up to yet another spine chilling case of domestic violence. And this time it was towards the daughter of a popular television actress by her stepfather, an actor himself. As per PeepingMoon.com sources, the actress has also lodged a police complaint on Sunday at Samta Nagar Police Station against him for outraging the modesty of her daughter by using filthy language and showing obscene model's photo in his mobile since October 2017.
Soon, after this news went viral, the father of the teenage girl reacted to the scenario and informed a leading daily that he has been in constant touch with his daughter to check on her. He added that the girl is keeping fine. "I learnt about it through the media. I have been in touch with my daughter and checked on her this morning. She told me not to worry and that she is fine. It's very disturbing for me as a father," he added.
The actress and her ex-husband called it quits in 2007. Later the actress tied the knot with the accused in 2013 after falling in love on the sets of a television soap. The couple, in 2016, gave birth to their first child together. However, a rough patch hit their relationship a while ago but the actress brushed it off saying, "Everything is fine between us and we are happy together." Well, it seems things went the ugly way for them, leading to a grave situation like this.
(Source: India Today)