
Did you know that Shah Rukh wants to create the world’s greatest studio?

Just the other day he made us giggle when he gave it back smartly to a journalist who mistakenly addressed him as Salman Khan several times - by deliberately mixing up her name and addressing her as Deepika! There are few who can rival Shah Rukh when it comes to wordplay, but he’s equally engrossing discussing women and work.

In a recent interview, the megastar speaks about his connection with women, revealing that he doesn’t talk much to men and avoids spending time with them – men are apparently just sIn a recent interview, the megastar speaks about his connection with women, revealing that he doesn’t talk much to men and avoids spending time with them – men are apparently just oo boring! oo boring! He would rather be in the company of women. A firm admirer of their “inner strength in the face of ups and downs,” he quips that he has turned into a bit of a woman himself, after spending so much time around them!

When it comes to professional success, he prefers not to look back at his successes, or rest on past laurels. Anyone who works for a legacy, or towards a legacy, is in SRK’s opinion, already working too much in retrospect. He avers that trying to leave something behind for people to remember you by is silly, and that a tombstone should simply read, ‘I tried’.
Still extremely driven, he now desires to create the greatest studio the world has ever known, in the heart of Mumbai. After three decades of a stunning career in Hindi films this is the grand dream he dreams. Acting, though, still hasn’t lost even a sliver of its attraction for him. He shares how he finds the process fantastic, how he loves acting, even if it means getting just two shots right. Delving deeper into the subject, he reveals that he likes telling someone else’s story, while entertaining people remains his highpoint. After 30 years, he still does not believe he knows it all but what he does know is that he can make any role you give him into a dream role – and he says this without being pompous. Always instinctive, he makes his choices based on how he feels; if he feels like an over-the-top comedy one day, he will go ahead and do it. His experiments might backfire like Fan did, but even as he abhors failure, he admits that it keeps him going.

