Angad Bedi who recently wrapped up with his shoot for Tiger Zinda Hai has now already begun work on his next. The actor has now flown off to begin shooting for his Punjab schedule of Sandeep Singh’s biopic titled Flicker Singh which is set to be directed by Shaad Ali. The Pink fame actor flew down on Tuesday to Chandigarh where he will be joined by Diljit Dosanjh to commence the shoot. Angad is playing the role of Sandeep Singh’s elder brother, Bikramjit, for which he has been training rigorously for the past few weeks.
Interestingly Angad happened to be in the land of Punjab right during the time Guru Nanak Jayanti but because of his shooting schedule he couldn't visit the Gurudwara on the auspicious day. Though, next day he made sure to visit Gurudwara and helped in preparing and serving Langar.
Ain't that a noble gesture?