
If a girl slaps a guy for eve-teasing her, he deserves it: Priyanka Chopra

Priyanka Chopra recently attended a Global Skills and Education Forum recently where she touched upon many topics.

However, her answer to a question targeting feminism left us all gaping in awe.

Priyanka was asked by an audience member, "If a guy eve-teases a girl, and then the girl slaps the guy, is this slap justified? I have never seen you talk about the abuse of a man. If a man slaps a woman, it is a crime. Where is the equality?"

The Quantico actress, who was quite taken aback with this question, said, "Can I answer that? Can I please answer it? I can't do it in 30 seconds, it is epic. Let us start with this one. You are saying when a man eve-teases a woman, she slapping him is abuse of a man? When a man is eve-teasing a woman, and she is walking by and he is like, 'woo hoo, kya lag rahi hai!', a woman should not go, 'chal be ..and a slap'?"

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She added, "Because physiologically, men and women are different sir. There is no debate about it. This is so basic. We have to get into it. When we talk about equality and opportunity, we talk about cerebral opportunity. We are not saying I want to be 200 pounds like a man and beat the shit out of somebody else. We are not saying that. We are saying you get the ability to get the job, be a CEO and nobody questions when you are driven, when you are 50, have children, how you are managing it all. Don't question me, that is what I am saying, I can be a CEO and a mother. So when a girl slaps a guy when he eve-teases her, he deserves it."

Well said, don't you think?


