The ever-so-beautiful Manisha Koirala is back with a bang on the silver screen. Apart from the Sanjay Dutt biopic Sanju where she is playing the role of his mother Nargis Dutt she has two other promising films lined up- Dibakar Banerjee’s Lust Stories and Sanjay’s home production Prasthaanam where she plays Sanjay Dutt's wife. The veteran actress has left everyone spell-bound by her resemblance to Nargis in the film Sanju. Recently, in an interview to a leading daily Manisha spoke about how, a few years back, Sunil Dutt himself told her that she reminded him of his wife, Nargis.
Revealing the details, she told the daily, “There was a trial of Bombay at Ajanta Theatre owned by Dutt saab. After seeing it, he called me and said, ‘Manisha, you reminded us of Nargis Duttji.’ That was a massive compliment for me! After so many years, I am playing her. But I was not very confident. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to do justice to the role. So, I was nervous but Rajji (Rajkumar Hirani) and his team were thoroughly prepared. We did look tests, held discussions and he made me watch documentaries on her. Then I met Priya Dutt, who sent me a book written about her parents. I never got a chance to talk to Baba (Sanjay Dutt) about her, but all this work helped me perform.”
Manisha has had a long association with Sanjay. The two have worked in several films together in the past. However, Manisha revealed that she was an ardent Sanjay Dutt fan when she was a kid and when his debut film Rocky released, the actress used to stick his pictures and postcards behind the almirah door as they were not allowed posters of film actors in the house. In Manisha's words working with Sanjay is always a pleasure and she is more than excited to share the screen space with him once again after all these years.