Rishi Kapoor who turned 66 on Tuesday, is well-known for being outspoken. He never minces his words and neither sugar-coats them. Whether it’s taking the trolls head-on or expressing displeasure about his colleagues from Bollywood Rishi never backs down. He has often gone on record to talk about his son Ranbir Kapoor’s career and his choice of films and directors. However, Rishi is also the spokesperson of his family and in a recent interview given to a leading daily, he spoke about how his esteemed Kapoor khandaan has always been secular. He also denied claims of ever joining politics.
During a recent interview, Rishi whose last release Mulk had him playing a Muslim man was banned in Pakistan, spoke about how his family has never taken religious sides. “The Kapoor family has always been secular. At the height of communal strife around 1947, my grandfather Prithviraj had staged the play Pathan, about a friendship between a Hindu and a Muslim. It ran to 600 packed shows," stated the veteran star.
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Rishi was asked that since many of his peers and colleagues have aligned themselves with political ideologies or become politicians themselves, does he see himself following the lead. To that, he said, “Count me out of that, please. Apart from a few exceptions, the film industry cannot be accused of partisanship or bigotry. Sure, I’ve been trolled about my tweets — like the one about the ban on alcohol in Bihar and the one where I said I eat beef when I’m out of the country. Trolls don’t affect me anymore though my family keeps telling me to go easy. Maybe I have.”
On the work front, Rishi has been having a great run in the industry with his second innings. He tasted critical acclaim and success with his film 102 Not Out as well as Mulk that released this year. The veteran actor is in a happy place playing characters of substance, something that he could never do when he was younger.