
Watch: Priyanka Chopra breaks stigma around asthma with this new advertisement

It might come as a surprise to many that Priyanka Chopra is an asthmatic. The global icon took to Twitter to reveal this fact while also announcing her collaboration with Cipla’s initiative of ‘Breathe Free’ and ‘Berok Zindagi’. Berok Zindagi is an initiative to celebrate the undeniable resolve of the human spirit. It is a tool to educate people on what is the best form of treatment for any obstructive airway disease.

Priyanka who embodies the word unstoppable, confident and active is probably the best choice for being the Brand Ambassador of such an initiative. Priyanka also shared a video where she talks about the importance of inhalers and how it helped her battle and control her asthma. In the video, she credits her mother Dr. Madhu Chopra as the one who got her on to an inhaler as it is the best treatment for asthma.

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Priyanka’s decision of lending her name to such an initiative is indeed commendable and praiseworthy, especially when a lot of people in our country abstain from using inhalers because they feel that it will make them addictive. However, hopefully, with Priyanka’s stance, many people will resort to living a better life from now on with the help of inhalers.
