Veteran actor Nana Patekar has been having a tough time since he has been accused of sexual harassment and intimidation by actress Tanushree Dutta. Tanushree has alleged that the actor misbehaved with her and went on to intimidate and get her attacked by MNS party workers on the sets of the 2008 film Horn OK Pleasss when she spurned his advances. Tanushree’s claims have been vouched by senior journalist Janice Sequeira and assistant director Shyni Shetty who were eyewitnesses to the entire episode.
Nana, on the other hand, has kept almost mum on the entire allegations, although he did deny the allegations on a news channel. However, he has sent a notice to the actress and demanded an apology from her for what he says is false charges. Today, he was snapped at Jodhpur airport while returning back to Mumbai from the shooting schedule of his upcoming film Housefull 4 and spoke to media for a few minutes in a brief encounter. He said, “Jo jhooth hai woh jhooth hi hai.”
On the other hand, Tanushree’s allegations have started India’s very own #MeToo movement and many celebrities like Freida Pinto, Priyanka Chopra, Deepika Padukone, Kangana Ranaut, Ranveer Singh, Pooja Bhatt, Anushka Sharma, Farhan Akhtar, Richa Chadha, Sonam Kapoor, Twinkle Khanna, Swara Bhasker, Vir Das etc. have come forward to lend their support to the actress.