Lovebirds Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh will be joined in holy matrimony in two separate wedding ceremonies- a Konkani style wedding today on November 14 and a Sindhi style tomorrow on November 15. Yesterday, the couple exchanged rings and Ranveer reportedly got down on his knees for Deepika and even gave a moving speech, which left the bride-to-be emotional.
Now amidst all this, Deepika's sister Anisha Padukone has changed the name of her Twitter account to #Ladkiwale and we are certainly impressed. Check out her Twitter handle:
RECOMMENDED READ: Ranveer writes ‘DeepVeer’ name in mehendi; Deepika breaks down at sangeet ceremony
Meanwhile, the couple celebrated their Mehendi ceremony with close friends and family in attendance. While DP applied henna on her palms, Ranveer danced his heart out on songs from his films. He even got a little design on his hand that read #DeepVeer. Isn't Deepika one lucky woman?