Taapsee Pannu, who was last seen in Anurag Kashyap’s Manmarziyaan alongside Abhishek Bachchan and Vicky Kaushal, will next be seen in Tamil-Telugu bilingual titled Game Over, helmed by Ashwin Saravanan. The actress will be collaborating with Y Not Studios and Reliance Entertainment for the project, whose first look was released on social media in October.
Now speaking to a leading daily, Taapsee has revealed several interesting details about her character in the film and it has left us asking for more. Describing the film as a "quirky thriller," she stated, "After that life throws an even bigger challenge at her and the film is about how she gets past it. This one is one of the toughest roles I have played , if not the most." The actress, who plays a video game programmer who is wheelchair-bound after an accident, further admitted that shooting on a wheelchair for hours at stretch isn’t easy.
Meanwhile, Taapsee will wrap up work on the film in a few days also elaborated on her prep and pointed out, "You feel so caged. And since the process of getting in and out of the leg cast was a long one, I decided to keep it on even during the breaks. Also, the film being a thriller requires me to move around in the wheelchair a lot and you gain control over it only after you spend time on it. But, I have to say, this meant long and arduous days of shoot."
Work wise, Taapsee will next be seen in Sujoy Ghosh’s revenge drama Badla apart from starring in Akshay Kumar starrer Mission Mangal, where she will star as Kritika Agarwal from the navigation and communication department.