The whereabouts of Bollywood actor Alok Nath, who was accused by writer-director Vinta Nanda for allegedly raping her nearly 19 years ago, are not known to anyone in the past few days. Oshiwara Police, who is investigating the case, has summoned the actor many times for questioning but his family has time and again, denied information about his location. When the Mumbai Police reached his house with the summon, his family members denied to take it, however, his lawyer has claimed that Alok has gone out for work and will return soon.
If our sources in the Mumbai Police are to be believed, Oshiwara police wants to interrogate Alok in order to investigate allegations against him by Vinta. But he has not taken any step to come forth in the case and even his family has shown no sign of cooperation with the Police. If after several summons, the veteran actor denies any interrogation, the Police will handle the case in their own way and if necessary, will also issue a lookout notice against him.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="647"] Alok Nath and Vinta Nanda[/caption]
Meanwhile, Alok's lawyer Ashok Saraogi has stated that he is not hidden anywhere and as soon as he returns from work, he himself will go to police station and cooperate in the investigation. He further added that the news of Alok fleeing away from his house is all fabricated.
Has Alok gone out for work or has he really absconded, the truth is yet come out.
For the unversed, after Vinta levelled allegations of sexual harassment against him, Alok denied and lodged a defamation case demanding Re.1 as damages and a written apology from her. On November 13, he was expelled by the Cine And Television Artistes Association (CINTAA) as well.