Ever since Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi, starring Kangana Ranaut as Rani Lakshmibai, was announced, it has run into several challenges including unavailability of director Krish. Since he had moved on to direct a biopic on superstar and former chief minister of Andhra Pradesh NTR, the Queen actress decided to step into the director's shoes to finish the patchwork and reshoot certain portions.
Now talking about the same at the trailer launch of Manikarnika today, Kangana claimed that direction "is a lot of fun and seems like my first love." She further told the media, "I don't know what is it about me but I really love working as a technician. No actor wants to be out in the sun as opposed to being in the AC van. No actor wants to be among 80 sweaty people who are asking you 100 questions. No actor wants to do recce when they can sit conveniently in their luxury suites. I don't know what is it about me that I am so comfortable in this job. There is nothing I love more than directing."
Well, isn't that interesting? Now we certainly hope that we see Kangana directing a few more films in the coming time.
Interestingly, Kangana also mentioned how she used her own vision rather than anyone's vision forward, once she took the reins of the film in her hands. "I didn't see any obstacle like that. But it is definitely difficult to step in someone else's shoes. So, my future directing project would be easier than this," she concluded by saying.
Manikarnika will be releasing on January 25, 2019.