Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh has managed to carve a place in everyone's heart with his energy, madness, humbleness, generosity and humility. The actor might be at the peak of his career but he never shies away from heaping praise or applauding his seniors as well as his peers. After winding everyone in Bollywood around his little finger, the actor is now gaining some high up western fans as well.
Only yesterday, Tesla CEO and founder Elon Musk had shared a song from his film Bajirao Mastani along with heart emoticons and a gif of the actor. Now, International pop sensation Justin Bieber expressed his fondness for the actor. Justin left a comment on Ranveer’s Aala Re Aala song from Simmba on YouTube and wrote, “Ranveer Singh is so funny.”
[caption id="attachment_187200" align="aligncenter" width="720"] Justin Bieber's comment on Ranveer Singh's video[/caption]
Although Justin’s profile does not have the blue tick of verification it appears to be his official YouTube channel as it has all his recent song uploads. We are thoroughly excited that Justin left a comment on Ranveer’s post and it appears that the singer has been following the actor’s work for some time now.
This comment was not lost on Twitterati who could not believe this fan following. Check out the tweets below.
Wouldn't it be great if Justin collaborates on a Bollywood film soon?