Actress Neha Dhupia and husband Angad Bedi, who tied the knot in May this year, were blessed with a baby girl on November 18. The couple named their first child Mehr Dhupia Bedi, which was revealed by none other than grandpa Bishan Bedi with a picture of the little munchkin as well.
While Neha left everyone impresses by balancing her personal and professional life during pregnancy, daddy Angad has now taken over the reins and is enjoying his new role. Talking about it, Angad told a leading daily, "I give her a bath, feed her; I am comfortable doing these things because my father [Bishan Singh Bedi] was hands-on when it came to my sister and me," further adding, "My dad said that my eyes have changed. He said that before we become fathers, we think for ourselves, but now, I think for my family first."
Angad also feels that his wife Neha is a perfect role model for their daughter and hopes Mehr takes after her mother. "I hope Mehr takes after Neha - she's honest, has come up the hard way and is caring." The doting father further admitted that the birth of her little one has brought him luck, considering his interesting lineup including The Zoya Factor, Inside Edge 2 and The Verdict: State vs Nanavati. '
The actor finally signed off by saying that he and Neha are taking parenting tips from single father, Karan Johar, on how to balance their busy work schedules. Looks like KJo has become a parenting guru as well!