Actress Neha Dhupia and husband Angad Bedi, who tied the knot in May this year, welcomes a baby girl on November 18. The couple named their first child Mehr Dhupia Bedi, which was revealed by her grandfather Bishan Bedi with a beautiful picture of her. However, unlike other celebs, Neha and Angad want their little munchkin to be shielded from the paparazzi and want her to have a normal childhood.
Talking about it, Neha told a daily, "It is difficult to understand the pap culture today where babies' pictures are seen every day. Aditya Chopra and Rani Mukerji's daughter Adira's photos don't come anywhere. If you don't want your child's picture to come out, they won't."
Well, that certainly comes as a surprise!
Meanwhile, the 47-day-old Mehr will be accompanying her mother to New Delhi on the shoot of reality show Roadies, which Neha judges. "My daughter and I are heading out for the Roadies auditions in Delhi. I need to set up things for Mehr before I start working. I am nervous, yet excited because she is travelling for the first time," Neha excitedly said about Mehr taking her first flight.
The mother-daughter duo will be accompanied by Mehr's nurses, while father Angad will fly in and out to meet them every now and then. "We hope our daughter [enjoys travelling] so that she can accompany us wherever we go," the doting father concluded.
Looks like Mehr is perhaps the toughest Roadie around!