With several B-town celebrities including Sonam Kapoor, Deepika Padukone, Priyanka Chopra and Ranveer Singh tying the knot, it would not be wrong to say that 2018 was perhaps the year of Bollywood weddings. As the new year has commenced, we now hear that there's another celebrity couple who is all set to take the plunge and it is none other than Prateik Babbar and his girlfriend Sanya Sagar.
The two formalised their relationship with a 'roka' ceremony in January 2018 after Prateik popped the question in December 2017 during a music festival in Goa. Now exactly after a year, the much-in-love couple will get married in an intimate two-day ceremony in Lucknow on January 22 and 23.
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A source told a leading daily, "They have known each other for almost a decade but have been dating for only two years and are excited to take their relationship to the next level." Their wedding ceremony will apparently be followed by a reception in Mumbai, the date and venue of which will be finalised soon.
For those who don't know, Sanya is a graduate from NIFT in fashion communication and has a diploma in filmmaking from London Film Academy as well. Prateik, on the other hand, was last seen in Taapsee Pannu's Mulk and will feature next in Nitesh Tiwari's Chhichhore, starring Sushant Singh Rajput and Shraddha Kapoor
Well, we wish the couple a happy married life ahead!