Ever since Ranveer Singh made his Bollywood debut in 2010 with Band Baaja Baarat he has proved that he is a force to be reckoned with. His talent, aura and charisma are such that not only the audience but his seniors as well as peers accepted him with open hands. Now, the actor is ruling the roost at Bollywood. With two releases in 2018 and both of them, super duper hit the actor is once again on a career high. His upcoming film Gully Boy is also reaping accolades from the audience as Ranveer has rapped his way to their hearts.
The actor is probably one of the fewest actors who was launched by YRF even though he does not exactly come from a filmy background. In a recent interview, Ranveer revealed that how he came to terms with the painful rumours about himself at the beginning of his career. He said, “There were rumours that my father gave Rs 10 lakh to Aditya Chopra, to get me launched. That really hurt me, it brought my whole upbringing into question. How can you write something so false that I had never said?"
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[caption id="attachment_185740" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Ranveer Singh[/caption]
He further added "I had genuinely struggled and proud of what I achieved. Young actors will message me and ask, "Yo bro, I can cough up the money, tell me what I have to do." And I have to say that these rumours are not true, stop believing that!"
Ranveer landed his Bollywood debut after auditioning for the role and was so perfect in the film that his wife Deepika Padukone when she first met him thought that he was actually a Delhi boy (the role that he essayed in the film) instead of being a true-blue Bandra guy. Now, isn’t that proof enough that the actor got his big break, through merit and talent?