Abhishek Varman’s Kalank, featuring an ensemble cast including Alia Bhatt, Varun Dhawan, Aditya Roy Kapur and Sonakshi Sinha, is all set to hit the silver screens on April 17. However, it is the pairing of Sanjay Dutt and Madhuri Dixit Nene in the film that has got everyone excited. The two actors will be sharing the screen space after a gap of 22 years and guess what? Sanjay, who has over 100 films to his created, actually got nervous to feature alongside the beautiful actress. Talking about it, he told a leading daily, “It was great to work with her again. I was a little nervous, but she made things easy. She's got terrific command as an actor."
While the two were rumoured to be in a relationship back in the 90s, a lot has changed since then. While Madhuri is married to Dr. Sriram Nene and is amother to two sons, Sanjay is married to Maanayata Dutt and is a proud father of twins, Shahraan and Iqra. Revealing how the two bonder over their kids, Sanjay added, "We spoke about our kids. In fact, I made my children [Shahraan and Iqra] meet her when they dropped by on the sets."
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Well, we cannot wait to witness their onscreen chemistry soon.
For the unversed, the character of Bahar Begum was earlier supoosed to be played by Sridevi, however, to her sudden demise, the role eventually went to Madhuri. Co-incidentally, Sanjay revealed that Yash Johar had mentioned about Kalank when he was shooting for Gumrah (1993) with Sridevi. "During the shoot of Gumrah, Yash uncle had briefly mentioned about the story. Dharma Productions is like family; so when Karan approached me with the film, I had to do it. It is also a coincidence that my character is named Balraj, which is my father's [Sunil Dutt] real name. He too came from Pakistan during Partition, so it has an emotional connect," he informed.