Rajinikanth is a superstar with global recognition. He has been enjoyed his superstardom in Tamil films after years of struggle. An inspiration to millions, Rajinikanth, has one more feather to his cap. The actor is now a part of school textbooks in Tamil Nadu. Yes, as per reports in a leading daily, fifth standard students in Tamil Nadu will read a chapter based on Rajinikanth's life. The chapter titled Rags to Riches Stories has Rajinikanth's picture with his a few key facts about him.
The Tamil Nadu government has taken this step to make an attempt to ensure students learn about the actor's struggle that began at a really young age-if report of a leading daily are to be believed. The facts mention that Rajinikanth started his career as a bus conductor and then entered the film world not just to become a superstar but a cultural icon. Take a look at the picture from the textbook here:
The General Knowledge textbook not just features Rajinikanth but has stories of other inspirational figures like Charlie Chaplin, Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey and JK Rowling. Well, this piece of information has left fans of Thalaivar, who worship him, excited.
Workwise, Rajini, 68, is actively shooting for his next film Darbar in Mumbai.
(Source: Galatta/ Times Now)