The gorgeous Sameera Reddy, who is expecting her second child with her husband Akshai Varde, held a Godh Bharai or baby shower ceremony on Wednesday. In attendance at the ceremony were her close family members, Akshai and her first son Hans. She shared the pictures on her Instagram account.
Dazzling in a rich red and golden Kanjeevaram saree, Sameera allowed her pregnancy glow to do the major talking. Akshai and Hans were dressed in simple white kurta. Take a look at the pictures here:
Sameera, recently, in an interview, revealed that when she was pregnant with her son Hans, she "fell apart as a person". "It was the worst case scenario of what I could've imagined in terms of my body and the way I fell apart as a person because the pregnancy was very tough for me. I just started putting on weight and falling into some kind of place in my head because it went from shows, award functions and a glamorous lifestyle to just not being able to handle what pregnancy was doing to me. From being that 'sexy Sam', I went to this. I put on 32 kg and couldn't recognise myself. I was a complete mess," she revealed, adding, "I would leave the house and they said, 'Is this Sameera Reddy? What happened to her?' That pushed me into a further hole," Sameera told.
Sameera had to seek therapy to bring herself out of depression. This time around, she has made peace with the fact that she will put on "a bit of weight". "I will not look glamorous all the time. But I wanted to come out and say Hey! it's okay to be like this'," she said.
(Source: Instagram/ PeepingMoon)