Sanjay Kapoor along with his wife Maheep Kapoor, daughter Shanaya Kapoor, son Jahaan Kapoor and their BFF Bhavana Pandey are making the most of their time by taking a leisure vacation to the New York City. The Kapoors jetted off to the city soon after Shanaya completed her professional commitments as an assistant director on the sets of her cousin Janhvi Kapoor's film based on IAF pilot Gunjan Saxena in Lucknow. During their stay in New York, the family and Bhavana visited Rishi Kapoor, Neetu Kapoor, Riddhima Kapoor Sahni and her daughter Samaira over dinner.
Riddhima, on her Instagram account, shared a picture from the dinner that featured a pretty Shanaya dressed in a white shirt with her gorgeous mother Maheep flashing her million dollar smile. A beautiful Bhavana opted for a floral dress as she posed with the Kapoors happily. Neetu looked lovely in a green sweatshirt while Riddhima dazzled in a red tee. The little Samaira looked adorable in a pink tee and bow hairband. The best part of the picture was the content smile on Rishi's face. Take a look at the picture here:
Rishi, who has been declared cancer-free recently, is recovering in NYC. Recently, he and Neetu were visited by the Bachchans-Abhishek, Aishwarya and Aaradhya with whom they enjoyed a dinner night. If reports are to be believed, Rishi will be returning to India in September for his 67th birthday. In the meanwhile, as Rishi is away with Neetu, his son Ranbir Kapoor with his girlfriend Alia Bhatt visited the couple during their short break from the shoot for their upcoming film Brahmastra.
(Source: Instagram)