It won't be wrong to say Swara Bhasker is controversy's favourite child. The actress, known for speaking her mind on social media platforms, got trolled once again for sharing an article that suggested Mughal rulers made India rich. Swara shared an article dated 2 years ago which argued that Mughals rather than being barbaric invaders, played a catalyst in making India a richer country. The article by historian Rana Salvi dogmatises that even though the Mughals came to India as conquers, they remained as Indians. Rana further wrote that Mughals were accepted by Indians which led to Indian soldiers rallying around the wizened Bahadur Shah Zafar and coronated him ‘Emperor of Hindustan’ in 1857.
Well, this article didn't go down with many as Swara captioned the retweet as "Mughals made India rich." Soon, Twitter's infamous troll fest began. While trolling Swara, some users tagged this post of hers as a medium to stay in the news while some said that the argument was utter nonsense. Take a look:
Mughals made India rich.. #history #fact
— Swara Bhasker (@ReallySwara) July 13, 2019
The Mughals were a genocidal occupying force & to justify Mughal rule by saying they "developed roads etc" is no different than justifying Hitler by saying he took a war-devastated Germany to Europe's number one power or by justifying Stalin for making USSR a super-power.
— Arnab Ray (@greatbong) July 13, 2019
Just like Osama bin Laden made world PEACEFUL
— Srikanth (@srikanthbjp_) July 13, 2019
Mughals invaded India and pulverized it with religious and economic atrocities.... Of course, their objective was to make it rich! #Respect
— Keh Ke Peheno (@coolfunnytshirt) July 13, 2019
Mughals ruined Indian Culture and its Civilization.. Stop the nonsense please.
— Murali (@mayamadhava) July 14, 2019
Just like British made India Independent..
— shashank (@black_mamba07) July 13, 2019
Hitler made the world disciplined.
— Lassi Gilaas (@punjabi_lassi) July 13, 2019
Historian Hindol Sengupta wrote that this was 'completely nonsense' and shed light on the recurring facts of Mughal India were 'devastating famines'. He wrote, "This is of course nonsense, and you would be particularly lacking in reading to believe anything as simplistic as this. In fact, most people in Mughal India were utterly, cripplingly poor even though of course a lot of wealth was concentrated in the hands of the monarchy and the nobility. One of the resounding and recurring facts of Mughal India were the devastating famines." In reply to his comment, Swara said, "I think what you describe is true of monarchy in general! I suggest you read the article first..."
This is of course nonsense, and you would be particularly lacking in reading to believe anything as simplistic as this. In fact, most people in Mughal India were utterly, cripplingly poor even though of course a lot of wealth was concentrated in the hands of the monarchy and the
— HindolSengupta (@HindolSengupta) July 13, 2019
I think what you describe is true of monarchy in general! I suggest you read the article first..
— Swara Bhasker (@ReallySwara) July 13, 2019
(Source: Twitter)