It was just a while ago when social media users woke up to something unusual and surprising news. Rahul Bose, on Twitter, shared an incident when he was recently charged Rs. 442 for just two bananas. The actor had placed an order for the fruit at the luxury hotel chain JW Marriott in Chandigarh and got a shock when they sent him a bill. Now, as an impact of the tweet by Rahul, the hotel has landed into a bit of trouble. As per a tweet by ANI, JW Marriott has been levied a fine worth Rs 25,000 by Excise and Taxation Department of the state for a violation of Section 11 of CGST (illegal collection of tax on an exempted item).
"Fine of Rs 25,000 imposed on hotel JW Marriott by Excise and Taxation Department, Chandigarh for violation of section 11 of CGST (illegal collection of tax on an exempted item) in connection with actor Rahul Bose's tweet over the price of two bananas served to him by the hotel," the tweet from ANI read. The fine was imposed after the authorities failed to give a satisfactory reply on a show-cause notice served over the issue.
Fine of Rs 25,000 imposed on hotel JW Marriott by Excise and Taxation Department, Chandigarh for violation of section 11 of CGST (illegal collection of tax on an exempted item) in connection with actor Rahul Bose's tweet over the price of two bananas served to him by the hotel.
— ANI (@ANI) July 27, 2019
Taking the matter into consideration, the Deputy Commissioner of Chandigarh Mandip Singh Brar has ordered a probe into it. "Taking cognizance of the video and bill posted by the actor, I have ordered an investigation. I have directed Assistant Excise and Taxation Commissioner (AETC) Rajeev Chaudhary to conduct a thorough probe on how the hotel had charged GST on fresh fruits. Strict action will be taken if found guilty," Mandeep told during an interview with a leading daily.
Earlier, Rahul shared a video from the JW Marriot hotel, showing the whopping amount that was charged from him for two bananas. If that's not all, the bananas were called fruit platter in the bill which was handed over to him.
You have to see this to believe it. Who said fruit wasn’t harmful to your existence? Ask the wonderful folks at @JWMarriottChd #goingbananas #howtogetfitandgobroke #potassiumforkings
— Rahul Bose (@RahulBose1) July 22, 2019
(Source: Twitter/Indian Express)