Soha Ali Khan is currently enjoying a vacation in London with husband Kunal Kemmu, daughter Inaaya Naumi Kemmu, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Saif Ali Khan and their son Taimur Ali Khan. The actress, an active social media user, keeps her fans back in India updated with pictures of Taimur and Inaaya, just to delight them with their sheer cuteness. Similarly, Soha, on Thursday, shared a picture of her with her little munchkin from the streets of London. Adorable beyond words, the picture brought out a collective 'aww' from the majority, but this wasn't the case with all. Little did she know that this picture would make her a subject of nasty trolls.
Soha, as soon as she put up the picture, a few of her Instagram followers labelled her as old and even said that her face looks like one done by the app FaceApp. Not just this, a user went to the extent to tag her as a dead body come alive. Amongst several nasty comments, one said she looked like Inaaya's dadi (grandmother), as an indirect way to call her an aged woman.
However disgusting, this isn't the first time an actress has been called old or aunty on social media. Soha's sister-in-law Kareena has been a frequent victim of such comments and has tackled them like a diva. Not just female actresses, but male actors too have become the target of such trolls who leave vile comments.
(Source: Instagram)