Salman Khan is all set to return to the big screens as Chulbul Pandey with the third installment of Dabangg. The actor, who has been keeping busy with back to back shoot schedules, along with the lead actress of the film-Sonakshi Sinha has now flown to Jaipur to wrap the last schedule of Dabangg 3. Previously, the actor shot for an extensive sequence in Phaltan near Pune in Maharashtra. Speaking of the Jaipur leg, a source close to the film informed a leading daily that after shooting for 75 days in total till now, the current shoot will go on for another eight days. The source also added a romantic song picturised on Sonakshi and Salman will be shot during the Pink City schedule, which will primarily be an outdoor one capturing popular monuments. The shoot started on Independence Day that is August 15, 2019.
“The crew is filming at a remote village, Basco, on the Agra road, which is 50 km away from Jaipur city. The shoot started on Independence Day. A huge crowd had gathered around the spot to get a glimpse of Salman. It’s an outdoor schedule, and the idea is to capture the monuments of Jaipur,” the source told.
Salman Khan Sonakshi Sinha in Dabangg 2
Salman, during the shoot, sent out wishes for Independence Day and Raksha Bandhan through a video on Instagram.
Dabangg 3 is a prequel film that traces Chulbul's journey from a kind-hearted goon in his 20s to become a Robin Hood cop in present times. The film, directed by Prabhu Deva and produced by Arbaaz Khan, Salman and Nikhil Dwivedi is scheduled to release on December 20, 2019. The principal shoot of the film began in April with the team flying to Indore. The first shot of the film took place in Mandleshwar and Maheshwar. Apart from Salman, Dabangg 3 stars Sonakshi as Rajjo, Mahesh Manjrekar as Hariya, Kannada star Sudeep, Pramod Khanna and Saiee Manjrekar in important roles.
(Source: Mumbai Mirror/Instagram)