On September 4, Rishi Kapoor celebrated his 67th birthday and several Bollywood stars took to social media to wish the veteran actor. Rishi's close friend and co-actor Anupam Kher visited him in New York and he shared a picture of them together on Instagram. Joining them was Neetu Kapoor and the trio spent some quality time together. "With Birthday Boy #RishiKapoor and ever graceful @neetu54. #HappyBirthday (sic)," Anupam captioned the picture.
Later in the night, Rishi and Neetu went for private dinner in an uptown restaurant in the Big Apple. The two looked lovely and Neetu even shared pictures and videos from their outing. Check out:
However, Rishi seemed not so happy with his birthday dinner as he slammed the restaurant in a tweet, "Birthday dinner with Neetu at Daniel Bouluds flagship restaurant at 65th between Park and Mad.. Disappointed. Highly over rated,over priced and arrogant. Not recommended at all. One kick up their a** and this is a foodie saying so."
Birthday dinner with Neetu at “Daniel” Bouluds flagship restaurant at 65th between Park and Mad.. Disappointed. Highly over rated,over priced and arrogant. Not recommended at all. One kick up their ass and this is a foodie saying so. pic.twitter.com/sgpuhLvw5x
— Rishi Kapoor (@chintskap) September 5, 2019
Well, trust Rishi for calling a spade a spade!
Rishi and Neetu have been stationed in New York for over a year, as he was undergoing treatment for cancer. The two are expected to return to Mumbai soon and infact, a popular photographer shared a picture of Rishi and Neetu with their fan at the New York airport. And now, we cannot wait for him to be back home.
(Source: Instagram/Twitter)