Actor Ayushmann Khurrana has delivered two hits this year titled Article 15 and Dream Girl. He has another film, Bala, coming up later in 2019. Next year, he will again have three films, and he is nothing but excited. Ayushmann will be seen in Shoojit Sircar's Gulabo Sitabo and Aanand L. Rai's Shubh Mangal Zyada Saavdhan and he revealed that there will one more unannounced project that will be up for release.
"It's looking like a hectic but exciting 2020. I will have at least 3 films releasing again and I can't wait to show audiences the diverseness of these projects. Each one of these three films have a strong script and the stories are remarkably different," Ayushmann said.
Ayushmann Khurrana in Dream Girl
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"I have always considered real people as the heroes of my films and their lives, circumstances have inspired me to tell their stories on screen. Next year will be no different. Along with these releases, I will have several new exciting announcements to share and I will start filming them too. So, I can't wait for 2020 - it will be my busiest year in cinema," Ayushmann added.