On the occasion of the 150th Gandhi Jayanti on Wednesday, a string of Bollywood celebrities such as Shekhar Kapur, Arjun Kapoor and Sonali Bendre spoke of the impact of the Father of the Nation, and reiterated some of his words of wisdom. The celebrities took to Twitter to share their views on Gandhi, whose birth anniversary on October 2 is also celebrated as the International Day of Non-Violence all over the world.
Here's what they have tweeted:
Shekhar Kapur: Gandhiji understood grassroots India better than most. He always maintained India needed to grow from grassroots upwards, not top downwards #GandhiJayanti.
Gandhiji understood grassroots India better than most. He always maintained India needed to grow from grassroots upwards, not top downwards #GandhiJayanti
— Shekhar Kapur (@shekharkapur) October 2, 2019
Arjun Kapoor: Father of the nation. Creator of harmony. Preacher of simplicity. You will always be remembered! #GandhiJayanti.
Father of the nation. Creator of harmony.
Preacher of simplicity. You will always be remembered! #GandhiJayanti— Arjun Kapoor (@arjunk26) October 2, 2019
Sonali Bendre: This Gandhi Jayanti let's honour his core values of compassion, non-violence, humility and forgiveness.
This GandhiJayanti let's honour his core values of compassion, non-violence, humility and forgiveness.#Mahatma150#GandhiJayanti #FatherOfTheNation
— Sonali Bendre Behl (@iamsonalibendre) October 2, 2019
Saqib Saleem: To the father who taught us not to lose faith in humanity. Happy #GandhiJayanti.
To the father who taught us not to lose faith in humanity. Happy #GandhiJayanti
— Saqib Saleem (@Saqibsaleem) October 2, 2019
Huma Qureshi: May we remember all that he said and stood for.
May we remember all that he said and stood for pic.twitter.com/0WFhx45ghT
— Huma Qureshi (@humasqureshi) October 2, 2019
Aayush Sharma: Once in a thousand years, a few great people walk the face of the earth and leave their mark forever. Mahatma Gandhi was one of them. Happy #GandhiJayanti
Once in a thousand years, a few great people walk the face of the earth and leave their mark forever. Mahatma Gandhi was one of them.
Happy #GandhiJayanti— Aayush Sharma (@aaysharma) October 2, 2019
Jackky Bhagnani: "In doing something, do it with love or never do it at all." #MahatmaGandhi #GandhiJayanti
"In doing something, do it with love or never do it at all."#MahatmaGandhi#GandhiJayanti pic.twitter.com/sFUfk2mYF3
— Jackky Bhagnani (@jackkybhagnani) October 2, 2019
Sophie Choudry: Remembering Gandhiji on his 150th birth anniversary. A true messenger of peace, love, compassion. The father of our nation. May we all do our bit to follow in his path so that the world could be a more peaceful, thoughtful, kind place #GandhiJayanti.
Remembering Gandhi ji on his 150th birth anniversary.. A true messenger of peace, love, compassion. The father of our nation. May we all do our bit to follow in his path so that the world could be a more peaceful, thoughtful, kind place #GandhiJayanti #GandhiAt150 pic.twitter.com/9ysBzQKOx4
— Sophie C (@Sophie_Choudry) October 2, 2019
(Source: IANS)