The younger son of Saif Ali Khan and his ex-wife Amrita Singh, Ibrahim Ali Khan has been winning hearts one day at a time. While the young lad had kept himself away from the media attention for years, he is currently wowing us with stunning pictures and social media posts. The brother of actress Sara Ali Khan, Ibrahim makes appearances on her Instagram and sometimes steals the thunder from her. Now, on his widely followed Instagram account, Ibrahim shared a throwback picture from his childhood and oh darling, he is just too cute for words.
Ibrahim, in the post on Instagram yesterday, called himself 'Picasso junior' as he flaunts an adorable smile after smearing colors all over his outfit, flooring and hands. Interestingly, Kareena Kapoor Khan addressed her son Taimur Ali Khan as the in-house Picasso while sharing his paintings on her Instagram account. For the unversed, Ibrahim and Taimur are half-brothers as they share the same father-Saif.
Well, it seems the Pataudi clan has many in-house Picassos hidden and their Instagram account will be the source to cherish this talent.
Speaking of Ibrahim, he is currently locked-down with sister Sara and mother Amrita at their residence in Mumbai. Sara keeps sharing videos of knock-knock jokes and Instagram challenges featuring Ibrahim and Amrita.
(Source: Instagram)