The Coronavirus lockdown for the past two months, has stalled shoots of new films, television shows and web content. Amid this crisis situation, employees of all fields across the world are receiving their salaries but with cuts and some have even lost their jobs due to the global recession and the crashing economy of India. Talking about actors receiving a remuneration cut, Taapsee Pannu, during an interview with an entertainment magazine, told that since there is no production of new content, no salary is available. She further added that she has accepted that their fees might be slashed down in the future.
"There is no shooting going on and hence no salary is available. And I have accepted the fact that our salary might get cut in future," Taapsee told.
During the same interview, Taapsee went on to add that she believes theatres in India will be out of the risk zone. She stated that films are made for theatrical viewing. "I sincerely hope and believe that theatres in India will never be at risk. A lot of our films are made for the big screen and are made for collective viewing. But yes, if OTT platforms can come up with a ticketing system then there will be a definite change in the star system," Taapsee added.
Workwise, Taapsee was last seen in Anubhav Sinha's Thappad which released a while before the lockdown was announced in March.
(Source: Filmfare)