In the past few months, Bollywood lost rare gems like Irrfan, Rishi Kapoor, Sushant Singh Rajput, Wajid Khan and Saroj Khan in quick succession. Now, as the film industry is healing, the news of the demise of veteran producer and director Harish Shah woke up the nation.
According to reports, the producer, 76, was suffering from cancer. Shah, in his career in the film industry, directed projects like Ab Insaf Hoga (1995), Zalzala (1988) and Dhan Daulat (1980). Along with this, he produced Jaal: The Trap (2003), Ram Tere Kitne Naam (1985), Hotel (1981), Kaala Sona (1975), Mere Jeevan Saathi (1972) and Dil Aur Mohabbat (1968).
Speaking of Shah, he had produced a short film titled Why Me? on cancer and had won the President's Award too. According to his brother, Vinod Shah, the funeral will take place at Pawan Hans Crematorium at 1 pm today.