Aamir Khan's and Kareena Kapoor Khan's Laal Singh Chaddha has been making the right buzz ever since its announcement. Shot in Kolkata, Delhi, Rajasthan, Chandigarh and Amritsar, the Advait Chandan directorial has piqued the interest of avid cine-goers. With nearly 40% of the shoot pending due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the makers are reportedly considering a change in location. Turkey and Georgia are soon going to be the locations for the pending shoot of this film. These two countries in question, separated by a two-hour flight distance, have done relatively well to control COVID-19!
"Advait Chandan (director) and Aamir waited it out for quite some time, but it's more than four months now since Coronavirus invaded and the number of cases is still spiking. How long can you go on waiting for a big canvas film like ‘Laal Singh Chaddha’? So, they have planned for Georgia and Turkey," said a source.
According to the daily, about 30-35 per cent of Laal Singh Chaddha shoot remains to be done. The modalities are fast being worked out. The release date of of the film was December 25, 2020 if COVID-19 hadn't struck. "It now remains to be seen when the final wrap up will be possible. The movie is working out very well and keeping the flow in mind, it is imperative that the balance part is rolled out ASAP," the source concluded.
(Source: TOI)