Ayan Mukerji's Brahmastra starring Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt and Amitabh Bachchan in the central roles has made the right amount of buzz already. The mythological fantasy project that revolves around a mythological tale of Shiva who can emit fire from his hands has had avid cinema watchers excited to watch the magic unveil on the silver screen.
Now, Mouni Roy, who is playing an important role in the film, has talked about Alia and Ranbir and praised her co-stars. "Both of them are fire on-screen and loving human beings so I consider myself to be very lucky to be a part of the film. Amitabh Bachchan sir, Nagarjuna sir and Shah Rukh Khan sir are a part of the film so it can't get bigger than the cast that Brahmastra has," she said.
"We have all waited for a very long time and it is just few more days, months I guess. It's a film that will be best enjoyed as a theatre release so I sure that Ayan Mukerji and Karan sir and the entire team is waiting for the right time to kind of release it," she added. The actor also revealed she is playing an out-and-out antagonist in the movie. "I am an outright evil person in the film," she said.
The release date of Brahmastra has not yet been finalized but the cast of the film has wrapped up shooting. The film also stars Amitabh Bachchan and Nagarjuna.
(Source: Instagram)