On Tuesday, the Internet went gaga over Aashita Singh, who is best identified by netizens as Aishwarya Rai Bachchan's 'duplicate'. Going by Aashita's posts, it is easy why she is called the 47-year-old actress' doppelganger - thanks to the uncanny resemblance between her and Aishwarya.
In most of her videos, Aashita can be seen lip-synching Aishwarya's dialogues from her movies and songs. But what took everyone's attention was when the social media creator made reels with Salman Khan's lookalike. Aashita also often makes Reels duets with a Salman Khan twin, Vikram Singh Rajput. Recently, they recreated the song Aaja Shaam Hone Aai from Maine Pyaar Kiya. Their followers left compliments for the duo in the comments section.
The internet has previously found many lookalikes of Aishwarya.
(Source: Instagram)