According to a leading daily's report, veteran actor Mahesh Manjrekar was diagnosed with urinary bladder cancer a few days ago. A source close to the development told the daily that Mahesh underwent surgery at Mumbai's H N Reliance Foundation Hospital around 10 days ago after his doctors advised him to get the surgery done as soon as possible.
The daily's report further stated that Mahesh is back home now and is feeling fit and fine. The operation went smoothly and the veteran actor is on his way to recovery. Mahesh and his family is yet to react to this and issue a statement.
Mahesh, on August 16, celebrated his 63rd birthday at home with Salman Khan. Indian Idol 12 winner Pawandeep Rajan and contestants Arunita Kanjilal, Sayli Kamble, Shanmukhapriya, Nihal Tauro, Ashish Kulkarni and Nachiket Lele were invited by the actor for his birthday bash.
Workwise, in June this year, Mahesh announced that he will be returning as the host of Bigg Boss Marathi Season 3. Recently, he wrapped the shoot of his upcoming directorial, Antim, starring Salman Khan and Aayush Sharma in the lead.
(Source: Times Of India)