Taapsee Pannu has reacted to a tweet that described her physique as that of a man. The image, which showed Taapsee from the back, was unveiled recently. Sharing the image, a Bollywood news-centric Twitter account wrote, “Ye Mard Ki Body Wali sirf @taapsee Hi Ho Sakti hai (Only Taapsee can have a manly body like this).”
Reacting to the user's tweet, Taapsee gave a sassy reply and wrote, "All I will say is.... Just remember this line and wait for September 23. And advance mein THANK YOU, I really worked hard for this compliment." In the first part of her tweet, Taapsee also hinted that the trailer of Rashmi Rocket, which will premiere on ZEE5 on October 15, will drop on the Internet on September 23.
All I will say is…. Just remember this line and wait for 23rd September :)
And advance mein THANK YOU I really worked hard for this compliment https://t.co/O5O8zMRzP0— taapsee pannu (@taapsee) September 20, 2021
Taapsee will play the role of a sprinter who dreams of winning international athletic contests in Rashmi Rocket. It is being said that the character will get entangled in the case of her own husband's murder.
Directed by Akarsh Khurana, Rashmi Rocket is produced by Ronnie Screwvala, Neha Anand, and Pranjal Khandhdiya.
(Source: Twitter)