5 years after his Bollywood film Ae Dil Hai Mushkil, Fawad Khan is all set to appear on Indian screens. The actor will be seen in ZEE5's Zindagi’s next original, a yet-untitled show that blends magical realism and supernatural fantasy within the setting of a family reunion. The show, which has already gone on floors, is being helmed by Asim Abbasi who previously directed the heartwarming Cake (2018) and the much-talked-about series Churails (2020). Fawad has reunited with his Zindagi Gulzar Hai co-star Sanam Saeed, who plays the central female character in the series.
Appreciating how the channel has brought Pakistani content to the Indian audiences in the current political climate, Fawad said, “Zindagi is taking bold and brave decisions when it comes to storytelling. It’s naturally evolving into a platform that encourages diversity of opinion and inclusiveness for all filmmakers, and material ranging from everyday mainstream to avant-garde and noir. I feel there’s a place for everyone in this artistic landscape.”
Leading lady Saeed pitched in, saying, "I'm thrilled to be collaborating with one of my favorite directors Asim Abbasi again, this time for Zindagi. This new project embarks on a fantastical journey with some stunning performances by a very meticulously picked cast. I can't wait for everyone to see the magic that's been created in this beautiful limbo land."
The show’s significance isn’t lost on Abbasi either. “Zindagi has become a pioneer, not only for India-Pakistan OTT collaborations, but also for encouraging artistes to push boundaries of narrative storytelling. It has become a home for many filmmakers like me, where we can see our craziest, wildest ideas come to fruition.”
Producer Shailja Kejriwal, chief content officer, special projects, Zee Entertainment, added, “Fawad and Sanam have massive popularity among the audiences and there's often been a lot of demand to bring them onscreen together. Our effort, however, was always to focus on identifying the right script that would do justice to both their talent and our long standing association with them. We believe this show - a genre-defying series, is the perfect opportunity to extend the special association we have with them, and it is certainly a win for us to be able to find the right creative collaborators for this show."
(Source: Mid Day)