Varun Dhawan's driver Manoj Sahu passed away on Tuesday night after suffering a heart attack. At the time of the incident, Varun was shooting at the Mehboob Studio in Bandra. Manoj was rushed to the Lilavati Hospital in Bandra, where the doctors declared him dead. Varun, who was at the hospital for a long time, was later seen leaving the hospital late last night. This morning, Varun took to Instagram and shared a throwback video where he is seen talking about Manoj and praising him for being their always.
Varun captioned the video as, "Manoj has been in my life for the last 26 years. He was my everything. I have no words to express my grief but all I want is people remember him for his amazing wit,humour and passion he had for life . I will always be grateful I had u in my life Manoj dada"
According to reports, Manoj complained of chest pain when he was with Varun at Mehboob studio last evening. He was immediately taken to the hospital, which is in close proximity to the studio. However, sadly he couldn't make it.
Manoj was a trusted driver of the Dhawan family for many years. He was working with the family even before Varun made his debut in 2012. Manoj was working as Varun's personal driver for many years.
(Source: Instagram)