As the month of love soon begins, Bhushan Kumar’s T-Series brings you a romantic song that will make you reminisce about your first love and the rollercoaster of emotions one feels. Sung by Tulsi Kumar and Jubin Nautiyal the song titled Tumse Pyaar Karke stars Gurmeet Choudhary and Ihana Dhillon, making this an interesting collaboration of celebrated artists. Penned by Kunaal Vermaa, with music by Payal Dev, the love song is directed by Navjit Buttar and tells the story of two youngsters who fall in love and embark on their romantic journey.
T-Series head honcho, Bhushan Kumar said, “Jubin Nautiyal and Tulsi Kumar have great musical synergy and both their voices have a very sweet tonality which works for a song like ‘Tumse Pyaar Karke’. Gurmeet Choudhary and Ihana Dhillon with their onscreen chemistry have done complete justice to the song.”
Tulsi added, “This love song ‘Tumse Pyaar Karke’ is all about young love and the rush and adrenaline you feel when you fall in love for the first time. It will make you feel a sense of nostalgia and reminisce those fond and beautiful memories." Jubin further said, “Tumse Pyaar Karke is very sweet and innocent at the core and that’s why Tulsi Kumar was perfect for the female vocals. We hope audiences enjoy the song.”
Gurmeet mentioned, “We had a fun time filming this and it’s always a pleasure collaborating with Jubin Nautiyal, Tulsi Kumar and Bhushan sir.” While Ihana said, “This song really took me down memory lane and I’m confident audiences will feel the same when they watch it.”
Director Navjit Buttar added, “We shot ‘Tumse Pyaar Karke’ up north and it takes audiences through the story of two youngsters who discover love on an adventure trip…The memories of that trip stay with them and everything they experience is expressed beautifully through the song.”
Payal said, "Tumse Pyaar Karke has a very classic and old school romantic vibe." Kunaal, on the other hand, mentioned, "The beauty of this song lies in its simplicity hence the lyrics are also simple but heart touching."