Nusrat Jahan has finally opened up about her wedding rumours with Yash Dasgupta. The actor-politician has hinted at already being married to Yash. Previously, she had cleared the air about her relationship with Yash when she said, "How do you know I’m not married?"
Talking about it to a leading news website, Nusrat has now said, "I don’t know why people were so bothered about the whole marriage thing. They kept asking me. I mean, what do you expect? That I will call everyone up and say, "Hey, I’m getting married"? If so, you’re expecting the wrong thing. If I choose not to speak about my personal life, it’s my choice, right? I think two people who are married should know that themselves. If they are happy, then what more can one want?"
When further prompted about being married to Yash, she said, "We do not need to get married again. How does that sound?"
When asked what will her son grow up as - as Nusrat is a Muslim and Yash a Hindu - the actress said, "Like a good human being. That’s what we should all grow up into - good individuals. I am a Muslim and Yash is a Hindu. My son will know the good of both religions. He will serve humanity in the ways he should. We, as parents, have always been open-minded. In our house, we celebrate Diwali, Durga Puja, Eid, Christmas - everything. That way, I think we are going to set the right example of a secular India for Yishaan. He will grow up to be the ideal citizen of a secular India, I believe."
Nusrat Jahan gave birth to her son Yishaan on August 26, 2021.
(Source: India Today)