The COVID-19 restrictions, which were made strict due to the new Omicron variant, have now been eased out a bit in Maharashtra. The night curfew has been lifted from the financial capital. Dr Iqbal Singh Chahal, Commissioner of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, also relaxed a few more restrictions, As per the new guidelines, the theatres, restaurants, amusements, theme parks, swimming pools, water parks will be allowed to operate with 50% capacity in Mumbai.
Sharing the new order, ANI wrote on Twitter, "#COVID19 | Mumbai eases curbs: Restaurants, theatres can operate at 50% capacity, night curfew lifted "Local tourist spots to remain open as per normal timing. Weekly Bazzars to remain open as per normal timing." A point in the new notice read, "Restaurants, Theaters, Natyagrihas shall remain open with 50 per cent capacity as per normal timing before the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic."
#COVID19 | Mumbai eases curbs: Restaurants, theatres can operate at 50% capacity, night curfew lifted
"Local tourist spots to remain open as per normal timing. Weekly Bazzars to remain open as per normal timing," reads the order
— ANI (@ANI) February 1, 2022
Following the relaxations, the makers of several films announced their theatrical release dates this morning. Amitabh Bachchan's Jhund will release in theatres on March 4 while Kartik Aaryan-Kiara Advani's Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 will release in cinema halls on May 20.
(Source: Twitter)