Shraddha Kapoor has always managed to keep her personal life away from the public eye. However, last evening rumours of the actress's break up with celebrity photographer Rohan Shreshtha went viral on the internet. Rumours are rife that she has parted with her longtime boyfriend Rohan.
According to media reports, Rohan was not a part of Shraddha's birthday celebrations that took place recently in Goa. The two were said to be in an on-and-off relationship for some time. It is being said that in February this year, the couple called it quits officially.
Now, amid the breakup rumours, the actress has shared an adorable picture of herself on her Instagram handle. Sharing the post, she captioned it as, "Aur sunao???" along with a purple heart. As soon as she dropped the post, Shraddha's brother Siddhanth Kapoor commented, "Miss you my leedal Rani". Her fans also dropped comments complimenting the selfie.
Shraddha and Rohan were said to be dating for quite some years. The actress even attended her cousin Priyaank Sharma's beach wedding in the Maldives with Rohan last year.