Navya Naveli Nanda‘s recent social media activity sent fans into a frenzy as they started confirming her relationship with Siddhant Chaturvedi. The granddaughter of Amitabh Bachchan on Wednesday shared a picture of herself at a hill station, and wrote in her now-edited caption, “Photographed by the .” The caption earlier read, “Photographed by the moon.” The caption was edited by Navya after several reports suggested she is dating Siddhant as he also posted from what appears to be the same location.
At around the same time, Siddhant shared a video montage of his adventures in Rishikesh, complete with bike rides, rock climbing, and chilling on what appears to be the same rooftop as Navya. His caption was, “Apna Mann aur Moon dono clear!” Navya also recently dropped a heart emoji in the comments section of Siddhant’s recent post from the same hill location. Fans immediately linked them up in reaction. “We know you two are dating,” one person commented. Another person wrote, “yeah, they r dating!”
Amid the speculations, Navya edited her Instagram post, to make the caption read, "photographed by the (star emoji)." She also deleted the smiling sun emoji comment that she had posted on Siddhant's picture.
Navya was earlier also linked to Jaaved Jaaferi’s son, Meezaan. However, the duo had constantly denied their relationship rumors.
(Source: Instagram)