On Saturday, popular Assamese actor Kishor Das breathed his last at the age of 30. He was undergoing treatment for stage 4 colon cancer. As per reports, the actor was receiving treatment at a hospital since March and at the time of his death, he was reportedly suffering from COVID-19 too.
Atul Bora, Minister of Agriculture, Government of Assam, offered condolence on Twitter. He tweeted, “Deeply saddened by the untimely passing away of popular actor Kishor Das. I visited him while he was undergoing treatment in Guwahati. Never thought he would leave us so soon. I pray to God for peace of his soul and extend my condolences to the bereaved family and friends."
Deeply saddened by the untimely passing away of popular actor Kishor Das. I visited him while he was undergoing treatment in Guwahati. Never thought that he would leave us so soon.
I pray to God for peace of his soul and extend my condolences to the bereaved family and friends. pic.twitter.com/SrDWIUINx3
— Atul Bora (@ATULBORA2) July 2, 2022
On May 7, Kishor shared a picture from the hospital on Instagram and wrote, ""What doesn't kill you can only make you stronger" It is my 4th cycle of chemotherapy. You'd think it gets easier but unfortunately it doesn't. During this days, I have suffer from many side effects including Fatigue, nausea, dizziness, bodye weakness, vomiting etc etc. I can't even take over other medicine without asking my doctor. You know, reality is nothing is the same since the stage 4 colon cancer diagnosis and especially during chemotherapy. I hope for the best and also hoping that the tumors shrunk significantly after completion of my treatment. Please keep me on your prayers."
Kishor is a renowned name in the Assamese television industry. He shot to fame with shows such as Bidhata, Bandhum and Nedekha Fagun. He last appeared in a film called Dada Tumi Dusto Bor.
(Source: Twitter)